Can anyone use Shuma Gorath? - Forums Go to first unread post Forum Jump: Please select one: -------------------- Private messages Search Home -------------------- Discussion Groups-- Gaming Discussion-- General Discussion-- Strategy & TacticsThe Dojo-- Tournament Results-- Tournaments & Events-- Matchmaking & Get-togethers-- B5 Tournament OutpostShoryuken Media Studios-- Fan Art Gallery-- Fan Fiction Library-- Image MishmashTalkback Forum-- Domination 101-- Japan Invitational Tournament Results and DiscussionAdministration-- Headlines-- Suggestions and Feedback • Show a Printable Version • Email This Page to Someone! • Receive updates to this thread • Forums > Discussion Groups > Strategy & Tactics > Can anyone use Shuma Gorath? AuthorThread Carpet Lint Junior Member Posts: 22 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: Tortorro, Ontario. Posted: May 2nd, 2001 11:11 PM Is it in any way possible to play him or pair him up with guys that will let him compete? I mean, he's not a very good character, but he's just so funny to play with. Things wrong with Shuma - 1) He's pretty slow. Walking, jumping, everything. His dash is also one of the slowest in the game, takes forever to start up too. 2) Can't play catch up. Shuma's the ultimate loser when it comes to playing against keep away guys. So those crazy Sprial, Cable, and Doom games kick my ass every time. 3) Cant play keep-away. Not really that important, but still. I mean, his projectile doesn't even go across the whole screen. ...that's all I can think of. So where are the octopus masters out there!?! IP: Logged Amdabes Virginia's Best Magneto! Posts: 203 Registered: Feb 2001 Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA Posted: May 2nd, 2001 11:38 PM He's a part of my scrub team. Son Son/Shuma/Akuma. Usually all I do it try to jump in with hk then air combo ending with a hk grab which sucks energy. And I also try to connect the super grab thing. He's not very good though but hes really fun to play. __________________ Why aren't there age groups in this tourney? IP: Logged vega2001 Member Posts: 97 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: Posted: May 3rd, 2001 12:01 AM Yeah, I play Shuma occasionally. I was at this tournament once and this guy was kicking everybody's ass with him by doing the whole power drain deal (throw motion) and using that super that takes a lot of energy off. Since that day, I will bust him out and I mainly try to get a lot of cheap jabs and shorts in. IP: Logged AZER Shotokan Student Posts: 2122 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: South Gate, CA, USA Posted: May 3rd, 2001 12:10 AM Shuma Groath is not a bad character. I use him at times with my team. Doom-AAA/Shuma Groath-Projectile/Blackheart-AAA What you do is in the start of the match is start out with the Doom-Blackheart trap until you get enough levels then switch to Shuma Groath. Use your assist to activate your Chaos Dimension. Throw in assist to capture your opponent. That pretty much what you can do with Shuma. __________________ "I'm as quick as the wind, as fierce as fire, and as solid as a rock!" - AZER IP: Logged Naslectronical Master of Electricity Posts: 653 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: Yara City, Gaan Region, Planet Ryono, Outer Jakartian Galaxy Posted: May 3rd, 2001 01:38 AM You can call an assist and and activate the Chaos Dimension and then go into an air combo and grab your opponent. The activation of the CD is an unblockable "hit." __________________ Killer of scrubs, assholes who get in my way, and annoying "keep-away" characters. IP: Logged trbiggie True soldier!!!!! Posts: 43 Registered: Oct 2000 Location: Posted: May 3rd, 2001 03:17 AM You can play him with Psylocke for an easy infinite like Ironman. Just make sure you get the timing down and in the finish them off with a throw super in the corner. Watch one of James chen videos. Hope this helps, Trbiggie __________________ Representing BCC playas!!!!!! Capcom 101 IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 12:58 AM. Forum Rules: Who Can Read The Forum? Any registered user or guest. Who Can Post New Topics? Any registered user. Who Can Post Replies? Any registered user. Changes: Messages can be edited by their author. Messages can be deleted by their author. Posts: HTML code is OFF. Smilies are ON. vB code is ON. [IMG] code is OFF.Admin Options: Open / Close Move / Copy Delete Edit Merge Split Stick / Unstick Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 beta 3 Copyright ©2000, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited.